Thursday, October 5, 2017

What Happened

What happened was a field trip.

What happened was Miss My-mom-lools-like-a-British-actress got her head slammed in the boys bathroom door.

What happened was the boys were having a wood-chip fight and needed to avenge themselves.

What happened was a grandmother chaperone saint who had patience enough and sight enough to stay with the boy who wanted to be everywhere all at once, especially if all at once meant the penguins exhibit.

What happened was a bird's barf landed on my face in the South America exhibit.

What happened was everyone touching the manta ray and starfish and shark in the touching pool.

What happened was feeding time and did you know penguins jump from the water to the land and land standing up?

What happened was the blue parrot who laughed at everyone.

What happened was a rope bridge you could cross if you were brave enough.

What happened was lost papers and cool animals and amazing experiments.

What happened?

A field trip.

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