Friday, March 16, 2018

Things Overheard at School

Today's slice is brought to you by "Things Overheard at School". I am your host Miss Kelsch and here's what happened.

3 students enter the classroom just as recess is starting. They've been in a meeting with the school counselor learning how to have appropriate interactions when they are worked up. One hands his papers to me so I can look over them.

Me, handing the papers back: great! I'm so glad you were learning these skills!

Student A: yeah I guess.

Student B: like pushing a wall.

Student C: yeah! Just push through the wall! Push it all the way over! Fall through!

Me: generally, though, when you push walls, they tend to be much stronger than you.

Student C: unless you're Donald Trump.

There you have it folks! This concludes today's episode! Join us next week for even more exciting things Overheard at School.